Biox-Pro3 / TO-PRO-3
Biox-Pro3 is a carbocyanine dye (blue in crystalline form) with far-red fluorescence that is able to bind nuclear DNA. The intact living cell membrane is impermeable for the dye, but Biox-Pro3 can penetrate through the damaged cell membrane and emits an increased intensity of fluorescent light upon binding to the nuclear DNA. Utilizing this ability, Biox-Pro3 is suitable for live/dead staining of cell cultures, tissue samples with high sensitivity.
Biox-Pro3 can be primarily used in flow cytometric (FACS) applications for viability tests or in apoptosis assays (in combination with other reagents, eg. fluorescently labeled annexin V) or simply just for excluding dead cells from our measurements.
Biox-Pro3 is well suited for fluorescent microscopic imaging techniques, since its far-red color is well separated from green and red fluorophores such as FITC, Alexa488, or rhodamine, TexasRed dyes.
The dye is well soluble in DMSO.
Biox-Pro3 (equivalent to TO-PRO-3 Iodide dye) emission / excitation peaks: 642/661 nm.
Suggested use
FACS study of the effect of different reagents and compounds (eg drugs) on cell viability. To exclude dead cells from the test sample during flow cytometric measurements (dead cells often bind antibodies nonspecifically, it can be used to exclude these nonspecific signals).